Category: Personal Training

Back to The Basics: Hypertrophy

DeWayne A. SmithHere’s another article I recently wrote  for the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). It focuses on defining muscular hypertrophy as an adaptation our bodies experience in response to various stimuli.

“Over time, our bodies adapt to the stimuli we expose them to. Broadly, these stimuli can range from environmental to physiological, and even be psychological. The adaptations to these stimuli fall under the phenomenon of General Adaptation Syndrome.”  Read the rest…




Which Type of Flexibility Exercises are Best?

World's Greatest Stretch - Dynamic Flexibility ExerciseA Meeting of the Minds

Not too long ago, I had the opportunity to listen to industry gurus like John Berardi, Dr. Don Chu, Mike Boyle, Mark Verstegen, Gray Cook, and Mike Stone give their take on where the Health and Fitness Industry is headed. This annual conference  known as The Meeting of the Minds, covered topics that ranged widely from aspects of physical training to running a successful business. One I remember well, centered around the benefits of flexibility exercises, and which method is best used.

Shin Splints: Prevention and Battle

Shin SplintsIf you’re new to exercise, and decided running would be a great way to get fit, you may have run into a few roadblocks here and there. Hopefully, shin splints weren’t one of them. In case they were, here is a way to rule out if your footwear caused them, and keep them from coming back!

Are You at Risk of Developing Shin Splints?

Check your feet and footwear. Do your shoes look overly worn on one side versus the other? And do you have flat, natural, or high arches? If you have flat feet, you should be wearing shoes that provide some medial posting for stability. Take a look at your shoes, and see if there is a small piece of plastic or harder material on the medial side of the shoes. If there isn’t, the chance exists you’re running in shoes that provide too much cushion, and not enough support for your arches. Every time your feet strike the ground, your arches fall unsupported; and, cause the various muscles involved to work less efficiently. Eventually, this leads to pain and injury.

Travel and Exercise

Travel and ExerciseSummer is in full swing, and by now you’ve probably started wondering how to keep off the weight!  With summer time comes travel, vacation, eating out, and alot of inactivity thanks to the oppressive heat. All form a great combination for weight gain if you’re not mindful!

Travel and exercise can mix rather seamlessly though! If you’re traveling, set aside time to do something that raises your heart rate. Use your hotel’s fitness center if available, or choose to take the steps instead of an elevator. If on vacation, plan something activities that are fun in addition to why you’re going. For instance, go on an excursion that requires some hiking, or rent bicycles and ride them along the beach. When you eat out, keep it light, make healthy choices, and mind your alcohol intake.

The “Complimentary” Fitness Assessment

Personal Trainer with ClientWhat is a Fitness Assessment? How Do I Get Started?

Usually, when you join a fitness center, you’re offered a complimentary fitness assessment or orientation session with a personal trainer or fitness manager that works at the facility. Many of us absolutely dread something like this, where height, weight, blood pressure, flexibility, strength deficits, movement compensations and other vital stats are noted.

After you’re finished, you’ll be pitched with buying a personal training package. Some people readily avoid this experience, and would rather just start just to avoid being pitched. Instead, you should see this as a free session that teaches you more about your body, and where you are health-wise. Going through with an orientation session does not mean you’re obligated to buy personal training, so I’d advise you to take full advantage of it! If nothing else, you’ll get a feel for the professionalism and competence of the company that provides personal training services at your facility.