So, you’ve just decided you want to get a personaltrainer certification and start training clients. The decision came by way of having consistently worked out on your own the last few years, and absolutely loving it. You’d even like to get a job at one of the local gyms to get started. The first thing you’ll always be asked is whether you have a certification. Everyone that enters the fitness industry undergoes the tough task of deciding which personal trainer certification to get. However, very few “get certified” guides exist.
One problem is that there are SO many to choose from! With so much choice, there is potential for alot of confusion. Here are a brief Q/A followed by links to the Get Certified Guide for several of the major organizations. They’re simple suggestions, and words of wisdom, albeit semi-anecdotal.
If you want to skip reading, click on any of the menu dropdowns (under Get Certified Guide) listing each of the major organizations.
Some Common Questions About Personal Trainer Certification
Q: What company should I get my Personal Trainer Certification through?
A: My suggestion is to find one that is affordable to you, and stick with it. Learn the foundational knowledge, science, and method of training from whatever organization you decide to go with. Then champion this knowledge through experience training new clients.
Q: Besides getting certified, what qualities do top professionals have?
A: The most important thing outside of having good foundational knowledge is understanding how to confidently interact with your clients, and when interacting with other Fitness Professionals, setting your ego aside. Also know “why” you’re having your clients perform certain exercises, and be able to explain it to them in lay terms if they ask.
Q: Outside of the actual course material, how can I affordably learn new things about fitness?
A: Learn how to read scientific research studies, and stay away from the anecdotal experience I guarantee you’ll encounter. Understanding the science behind physiology and exercise will help you sift through all the chatter that is purely based on experience. Consistently training your clients with scientifically backed methods guarantees results.
Q: If I’ve been an athlete all of my life, do I really need a Personal Trainer Certification to train clients?
A: Nobody starts as a guru, and nobody knows everything there is to know…ever. A Personal Trainer Certification is only the first step to becoming a well versed fitness professional. Dependent on how far you want to take your career, Post-Secondary and Higher Education programs exist. There are also Advanced Specializations and continuing education offered by various organizations.
Q: Is it important to network with other Health and Fitness Professionals?
A: Yes, being a great Health and Fitness Professional comes from peer conversation, collaboration, and understanding science. If you don’t know what others are talking about, it makes it difficult to grow as a professional. Networking helps you stay on the forefront of what’s happening in the industry.
Get Started…
By clicking below, or the drop-down tabs at the top of the page, you’ll find summaries of the offerings from some of the major Health and Fitness Organizations, and what each credential means to you as a professional. It is also written so that any client can come and read up on what each Personal Training Certification or Advanced Specialization means competency-wise. Most often, clients have NO CLUE what the string of letters mean behind our names.
National Academy of Sports Medicine
American College of Sports Medicine
National Strength and Conditioning Association